mysql enumeration port 3306
mysql default port 3306
how to connect mysql service on local Access

hide@kali:~$ mysql -u username-p
Enter password:
mysql connect for remote Access

hide@kali:~$ mysql -h ipaddress -u username -p
Enter password:
after login run this command

MySQL [(none)]> show databases;
now we have 8 row select anyone from database so next command is

MySQL [(none)]> use wordpress;
now we are on wordpress table so next command is

MySQL [wordpress]> show tables;
we have table now select any content on tables i am selecting wp_users because maybe it have some information about user so next command is

MySQL [wordpress]> SELECT * FROM wp_users;
and if you want to select single user so use this command

MySQL [wordpress]> SELECT * FROM wp_users
-> WHERE user_nicename = "tim";
if you want to use operator with this you can

MySQL [wordpress]> SELECT * FROM wp_users
-> WHERE user_login = "john" OR user_login = "tim";
we can update the database table so command for database update if we want to change database user_pass

MySQL [wordpress]> UPDATE wp_users set user_pass = MD5('12345') WHERE ID = 3;
now see the changes update on peter password