Fristileaks vulnhub walkthrough
Download this box using this url and deploy box on virtual box
now let’s enumerate this box scan
first scan your network using nmap command
$ nmap -sn

we have ip address let’s check this ip address and scan with nmap
$ nmap -v -p-

let’s check port 80 we found a simple web page look like this

let’s bruteforce directory with dirsearch and gobuster according you
$ dirsearch -u

now scan with nikto basic scan and see result
$ nikto -h

we see php version php/5.3.3 this php version is vulnerable with cgi bin remote code execution now check this exploit using this link
we found a new page on web directory so first we try this

new directory let’s see on this directory what content on this directory

but we don’t have user and passowrd let’s emumerate for username and password see source code

we have user now enumerate for password

we have base64 encrypted data lets decode using this tool

we have username and password so try user and passowrd

we are login let’s upload shell on this page

now upload shell and rename your shell

now start your nc for reverse shell nc is a port listner

let’s execute your shell.php.png file and see

wow :) we got a shell

see we have normal shell now convert your shell fully interective shell using this link

now we have a problem with terminal our terminal is blank don’t worry about it type wait and type anything and enter then see

we have a note in user home directory and we know this is cronjob service

now create a file on tmp directory and file name is runthis

now insert some content in file because we know file execute every minute so let’s get admin shell using python

now start nc on port 4242 and see we got a shell

and now we have admin privilege and let’s enumerate admin user

we see file which user fristigod now open whoisyourgodnow.txt file and see
we have hash and now crack this hash using python simple decoder
import base64,codecs,sys
def encodeString(str):
decoded = codecs.decode(str[::-1], 'rot13')
return base64.b64decode(decoded)
print cryptoResult

now we have password let’s try this on fristgod user

we have a binary file on hidden directory let’s execute this binary using fristi user

happy hacking :)
i know you enjoy this journey