Creating New Linux Files from Command Line
Jul 17, 2021

Linux is designed to create any file you specify, even if it doesn’t already exist. One smart feature is that you can create a file directly, if you want to create file in terminal you can directly create a file in linux terminal using this command
1. Create a File with Touch Command
touch test1.txt
2. Create a New File With the Redirect Operator
> test2.txt
3. Create File with cat Command
cat > test3.txt
4. Create File with echo Command
echo ‘this is sample file’ > test4.txt
5. Create a File using vi text editor
vi test5.txt
6. Create a file using vim text editor
vim test6.txt
7. Create a file using nano text editor
nano test7.txt
8. Create a file using tee command
command | tee test8.txt
thanks for reading…………………………………….|